Image Skin Treatments

Image are a clinical American skincare brand, powered by safe, proven ingredients and smart botanicals - for your healthiest skin.

IMAGE PEELS from $100

Preformed after a skin consult with one of our Beauty Therapists or an observe skin analysis. Best results when you are already on a good skincare regimen at home as this builds up your skin to take on advanced treatments such as peels. Your Beauty Therapist will chose from a range of different Peels to find whats best for you skin and its concerns. 


Revitalise your skin with with this deep cleansing skin treat!  Your skin will feel brighter, exfoliated, deeply hydrated and nourished. Filled with AHA's and enzymes to alleviate dry, dull skin. With Vitamin C promoting long lasting radiance. 


Image Signature Facial + Added boost of LED light therapy great for healing, acne, stimulation of collagen and elastin, cellular rejuvanation, and giving your skin an overall glow.